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From: Nicholas Bayerle

You and I have been lied to. We have gone through life as Christians dipping our feet in and out of the church knowing that something was missing. We have friends that we connect with on a faith level, and yet cannot relate to the things we do with 50%+ of our time. We have bought into the belief that “the” group of the most powerful Christian Businessman on the planet doesn’t exist. And it didn’t exist. Until now.

For the past six years, I've been running a men's mastermind called the Billion Dollar Brotherhood. We’ve helped thousands of men transform and prosper in their health, wealth, and relationships into what became known as the 3D Businessman.

And I sacrificed the 3D Businessman on the altar as God was calling me… To

advance Gods Businessmen and take ascend to new levels, and we're answering the call!

The Brotherhood is now The King's Brotherhood. Because with Him, we can find true purpose, and with The King's Brotherhood, we can find Covenant Community....It's time to ascend into The 4D Businessman.

Health + Wealth + Covenant Community X God = 4D Businessman 

While most men are living defeated lives, purposeless, lonely, disconnected, confused and consumed with busyness. Living life with business and faith completely disconnected. They are crushed by the stress and pressure of business and home life. Any success they create makes them more distracted from the things that matter most. Men out there have no community, and are operating at less than 1% of their potential by being the multiplier of their life instead of God being their multiplier.

Here at Kings brotherhood we are Advancing God's Businessmen. Advancing you and calling you to ascend. To create Brotherhood and ultimately the most powerful group for Christian Businessmen on the planet that the entire world looks to because of the fruit and POWER in the community. 1 Corinthians 4:20 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power”.

You are called as a Christian Businessman to have your light shine before Men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven. To find Purpose, be filled with Power and to unlock prosperity.

And the greatest part about this story is I'm not doing this mission alone but I have one of my best friends, and one on the most successful people I know join me.

I'm honored to have my Brother, Brandon Poulin, involved in this incredible mission as a partner & teacher

His recent track record includes building the LadyBoss brand to be the 4th fastest growing privately held company in America in 2019 per the Inc. 5000. Him and his wife Kaelin, sold the LadyBoss brand in 2022 to Russell Brunson.

Brandon has personally built marketing, sales, service, support, IT, HR, and finance teams that have generated over 200 million dollars in consumer packaged goods, high ticket coaching, apparel & accessories, digital products, webinars, courses, live events, and book sales.

Under his leadership his companies has produced a Barnes and Noble #1 bestselling book, numerous business and product awards, mainstream blog contributions, and 50+ media appearances on major news networks. These include FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Inc Magazine, Entrepreneur, Forbes, PopCulture, TODAY, BuzzFeed, and many others.

He has advised dozens of multimillion dollar companies including clients like Russell Brunson and Billy Gene. And is now the Founder of Enterprise CEO.



WHERE: Horseshoe Bay Resort near Marble Falls Texas

WHAT: 2 1/2 days of life changing experiences, teaching from the top Christian Entrepreneurs & leaders and masterminding with the top 50 Christian businessmen


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CHECK OUT WHAT our brotherhood members ARE SAYING 

Rob Stein- Real Estate Coach, Agent and Speaker

I joined to be around high level men. This group shows you can be a man of God and successful. It's been life changing for me and my family, putting God as #1. It's hard to put it all into words but these men are now my brothers. Many groups bring in expert but this group is all full of experts. Apply, you will not be disappointed."

Sathiya Sam- Top p*rn recovery coach

" I knew I needed to be around high level business men since I was transitioning from being a pastor to business owner. This group has helped fast track my success and I feel like a real businessman. I went from 30k a year to now doing 70k+ months very profitably. My wife said I can't ever leave this group"

Caleb VanTimmerman- Real Estate Investor

"I was looking at a few masterminds and what attracted me to the group was it was Christ centered and it wasn't so huge. I've met so amazing men and the speakers at the mastermind really spent time after getting to know me. This group motivates me in my faith to see first the Kingdom and everything will be added on."

Josh Monen- Marketer and Copywriter

"The Wise council I've received from this group is priceless. If you want to not just grow your business but yourself in your faith and family then this is the group for you. I've seen God bring so much breakthrough in my life from The King's Brotherhood. The connections and friendships are worth it alone."

David McMenomey- Digital Marketing Agency and Media Buyer

"I wanted to be part of The King's Brotherhood because it forces me to be better man and step into the calling God has for me. There has been so many business opportunities and partnerships since joining.

Jeff Goering- Financial Planner and Real Estate Investor

"I was so intrigued to be a part of a group where we going after being 4 Dimensional Businessmen. The type of men in this group isn't like anything else, it's truly a band of brothers. They pick me up when I get down".

Joshua Johnson- Marketing Agency

"I love the 4D Businessman. I want God to be the multiplier of my business so that is why I joined. If you want Brotherhood and all the strategies to grow, this is the place for you."

Louis Newkirk- Digital Marketing Agency

"I was looking for a community of businessmen that were also believers. There is strength in numbers and if you're tired of doing it all on your own, this is a group where brothers will support you during your lows and highs."

Jozh Bibera- Real Estate Investor and Notary Business Owner

"Just in the first event, I had so much breakthrough. I've never had deep connections with men like this. If you've ever felt like a lone wolf, I've been there. Now I have a brotherhood that helps me even when it's hard to ask for it."

Dwayne Pano- Real Estate Agent

"Other Business groups don't really care about your personal and spiritual life but King's Brotherhood cares about your whole being. If you're looking for an authentic group that gives without expecting anything in return, this is for you. There isn't anything else like it."

Justin Knoop- Content Creator and Youtuber

"When Nicholas explained what King's Brotherhood was about, I knew it was going to help me go to the next level. This was way beyond what I expected. I've got to experience true growth with Brotherhood. This is an exponential return on investment."

Xan Spencer- CEO of Liveoutfitters

"When I knew there were businessmen who put God 1st, I knew I needed to be a part of this. This has truly been life changing for my business and my spiritual walk. I wouldn't be where I am right now without King's brotherhood. The way I interact with my kids and wife, it's on another level now. Drop in and check it out"



Get The Most Elite Level Business Training And Coaching

Weaponize Your Body Like A King 

Become The Spiritual Leader For Your Family

Cultivate a Thriving Marriage And Build A Family Legacy




Get The Most Elite Level Business Training And Coaching

Weaponize Your Body Like A King 

Become The Spiritual Leader For Your Family

Cultivate a Thriving Marriage And Build A Family Legacy






  • Man of God     

  • Values health, wealth and relationships

  • Wants to support their brothers 

  • Has a high 6 figure,7 and 8 figure business 

  • Wants to make a big impact and grow            

  • Doesn’t Serve God or believe in Jesus

  • Cares only about money & doesn’t give

  • Only cares about getting not giving

  • Just getting started into business and doesn't have any capital to invest

  • Doesn’t care to grow or be challenged


Cory Huddleston- E-commerce acquisition

"I've been to a lot of mastermind and they give you give you worldly wisdom but not spiritual wisdom to grow your biz. But this group is full of men who use their business as worship to God. I came in with an ego and I quickly realized I needed to learn from these men. I've come to truly respect Nicholas and Brandon and how they are servant leaders. The excellence given to TKB is refreshing. If you want to be elevated, you need to get around elevated men."

Ryan Ransom- Financial Planner

"If you feel like you don't have time to join a group like this, that was me. I pushed off Nicholas for years because I didn't think I had the time. Well this was one of the best decisions of my life. I made the time and invested in myself to get around men who would push me to be better in every area of like and have God be the multiplier. There are giants in this group. I hope to see you at the next event"

Chris Baden- CEO of Flowchat (SAS)

"Nicholas really cares and that is the culture he has created. The more you think about it, the more money you are losing. The connections are people you actually like and want to do business with. If you want to go far, go with this Brotherhood."

JJ Siebrasse- Dog Trainer and Serial Service Based Business owner

I knew I needed this to step into my great calling. Since joining I've had so much clarity in what I need to execute on in business. My home life is drastically better with my wife and kids. I'm a new Christian but I perfectly fit in. This is a group of men who care and love you no matter what"

Jonathan Maynard- Serial Entrepreneur or Brick & Mortar Businesses & Consultant

"Even though these guys aren't in same industry, they offer such profound advice and strategies. Since joining I've grown my business and increased my profitability. You should apply because it will change your business and it's well worth the investment.

Cody Cottle- CEO of Content Daily and Podcaster

"Since joining the Brotherhood, I am in the best shape of my life, I have incredible relationships from this group and I feel like I actually belong here. And I've been able to build a business I actually love. This has revolutionized my life and I couldn't imagine my life without this Brotherhood."


I'm the CEO of The Kings Brotherhood, host of the God's Business Podcast, investor.. But most of all, I am a husband and a father to my son Kingston. 

I preach being a 4D businessman but I used to suck in every single one of those areas so I had to master each dimension to be able to talk about it.

I went from obese, broke and no girlfriend to now married to the woman of his dreams, fit, on fire for Jesus and thriving in business

My parents split up when I was just 4 years old and never grew up in the church. When I was 12 years old I was going after my own lawn-care company and pursuing my dreams of being a professional motocross rider. Then my dad and I had a falling out and I didn't talk with him for 3 years. During that time, I gained 60 lbs and was completely addicted to video games because it was something I could excel in.

Once I lost the weight at 17, I was in search for my purpose and a higher power. This led me into doing a lot of demonic stuff like Ouija boards, seances and I was living in complete fear. I was nicknamed the demon kid at my school. Thankfully I was hungry and God led me to a small group where I got saved.

When I found Jesus, I went ALL IN and decided to attend Bethel school of ministry in Redding California. Just a little after getting accepted I met my wife Amanda. We knew right away that we were meant to be together and so we got married at 18 and 20.. completely broke and in love. I knew as a husband that I needed to make money, but I couldn't work for someone else.. so we got started in business together doing health coaching. 

After years of struggling up and down in business, we invested in a mastermind and finally made our first 6 figures in a year.. which was life changing.


Now we have evolved into creating a movement of businessmen, a brotherhood. I saw there was a gap in the marketplace and I wanted to fix it. 

Since created the Brotherhood, I was asked by Russell Brunson to speak at Funnel Hacking Live in front of 5000 people. featured in Forbes/Entrepreneur, became a podcast host, wrote a best selling book was rated top 30 under 30 influencers. This is all great but I'm after the transformation of mens lives who's families and lives will never be the same.

Formerly known as The Billion Dollar Brotherhood from 2017-2022 we switched to making the Brotherhood 100% Kingdom minded. For 6 years I taught guys the fruits and strategy of the Kingdom but including everyone from every belief but God called me to The King's Brotherhood and it's been extremely powerful.

I've been extremely blessed to facilitate 25+ in person mens events where I bring in the most high level entrepreneurs and speakers and I love doing what I do.


When does it start?

The moment you join is when you start. However we do have 3 events a year and the next one is October 4-6 in Austin, Texas.

What’s the investment ? 

We have two different programs and this is our Elite level program so the investment is higher. We have two different options, pay in full or pay a deposit and monthly installments. There is no refunds and we both sign a contract. This is a Brotherhood, we take commitment very seriously.

Is there coaching or is it just a mastermind?

This is a year long mastermind but there is voxer coaching with Nicholas and you will get coached at our live events and monthly experts call. We also are a Brotherhood so you will get advice on our weekly power hour calls.

Is this a ministry or a church? 

We are not a ministry or a church. The Kings Brotherhood is a business, for businessmen like you to get around other Christian Men who love Jesus. To find like minded brothers who are growing in their relationship with Jesus, while implementing what the bible says about growing and scaling a business. TKB is not a church and does not replace your church. 

How many events do you run each year?

3 Mastermind/Retreat events each year. Listen to the videos above to hear other men just like you share their experience. Our next Event is October 4-6 in Austin Texas and the one after that will be around February 1st.

Do I get access to coaching in the 4 dimensions? 

You get access to Nicholas Bayerle directly, as well as the 26 experts a year that he brings in, and the top notch speakers he brings into each mastermind event. Plus the guys in the group are full of experts

Will this help me grow my business? 

This mastermind is built for that, through education, coaching, accountability, connections, collaborations. We are here to help you multiply what God has put into your hands. 

What qualifications are necessary to join?

1.Jesus is Lord of your life. And you desire to follow and obey what he says on the earth. 2. Pre existing business that you feel called to grow for the Kingdom (Revenue and size will be evaluated on call due to differences of margins per industry)

What are the guys in the mastermind like?

The average age of the man is 33 years old. We have mid 20 year olds all the way to late fiftys. The majority of the man are married and have kids. We do have a few single guys and some guys who's kids are more grown up.

What do you believe from a faith perspective?

Jesus is King, what he said is true. The Holy Spirit is for today. The bible is Gods word, and is true and never changing. We are meant to multiply what God has given us. 

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